Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Assignment 5 - Website Draft / Plan

I'm planning on using a navigation system with three options: About / Work / Contact. Under About, I plan on including written information on myself as an artist (Artist Statement / Bio). Under my Work tab, I plan to organize the work that I will post by medium (Photo & Video / Illustration / Audio). Finally, the Contact tab will contain my email address. 

This is an idea I have for the basic look of the website. I want the navigation bar, including my name as the title, to be locked at the top of the website on all pages for ease of navigation. The home page will feature one work, with a short description/intro of myself. The About pages will contain text information on my artwork (Artist Statement / Bio). 

Monday, November 27, 2017

Assignment 4 - Process and Review

In making my video for Assignment 4, I tried to stay with the same theme that I used from Assignment 3, which was essentially a project about me making a project.

I assimilated three ideas for a video project that I had, and then used multiple videos relating to that theme for each "idea," as represented by the audio file from Assignment 3. The first idea was to include some kind of technological work (computers, video games, etc.). My next idea was to use abstract art in the form of videos through the manipulation of colors, lines, movement, etc. Finally, stemming from my love of animals, I wanted to incorporate something with dogs.

I included time stamps throughout the video to help get the idea across of someone continually working on something throughout an evening. One piece of criticism was that the time stamps were a little bit forced - maybe I could have used something to make the transition a little smoother.

I am proud of the finished piece, but I do think that there could be some minor alterations that would enhance the project a bit. I might consider taking out the time stamps and using a different "transition sound" between project ideas. I had originally used the sound effect of crumpling up paper, but seeing as the project is a video, I could maybe use some kind of digital noise.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Public Domain & Creative Commons - Response

The reading on Public Domain and the short video on Creative Commons were both interesting to me. To be honest, I was still confused about the distinction between these terms and things like trademarks and copyrights. The video really helped explain what Creative Commons means. I think it's important, especially for artists, to open the boundaries up with their work. While creativity really has to come from each individual, I can't even begin to recount how many times I've seen something and been inspired by it. Looking at the work of others, and even sometimes being able to use it as a starting point, is a very invaluable tool. In a sense, the Public Domain exists solely for this reason. It provides a nice realm where creativity and thought processes can flourish and be expressed with others. I personally think these things are of great importance for other aspiring artists who might not pursue their own ideas without this kind of community.

Assignment 3 - Updated Audio

I worked in some of the suggestions from the feedback. There's now a paper crumpling and being thrown out sound after each "idea" that is played, and then an exasperated sigh at the end.

Assignment 3 Feedback from Critique

Most people thought my audio sounded like someone sitting in a room trying to make music or make some kind of project, which was my intention. The theme of boredom and being "stuck in the house" came up too.

A unique narrative idea was that all the strange sounds were an elaborate way to start a car, since the car starting noise comes in later on.

Something that I'm going to add in is some kind of sound to signal "scrapping" an idea. One suggestion was a rewind noise, but I'm thinking of recording the sound of crumpling up a paper and throwing it behind me. Then each new sound will be a new "idea" for what I'm working on.

A good visual that was suggested was continually working on a sculpture. I add something, decide I don't like it, and throw it out, etc.

Assignment 5 - Final Website Portfolio

Follow this link to view my final website portfolio: https://mercuriozack.wixsite.com/portfolio