Sunday, November 5, 2017

Public Domain & Creative Commons - Response

The reading on Public Domain and the short video on Creative Commons were both interesting to me. To be honest, I was still confused about the distinction between these terms and things like trademarks and copyrights. The video really helped explain what Creative Commons means. I think it's important, especially for artists, to open the boundaries up with their work. While creativity really has to come from each individual, I can't even begin to recount how many times I've seen something and been inspired by it. Looking at the work of others, and even sometimes being able to use it as a starting point, is a very invaluable tool. In a sense, the Public Domain exists solely for this reason. It provides a nice realm where creativity and thought processes can flourish and be expressed with others. I personally think these things are of great importance for other aspiring artists who might not pursue their own ideas without this kind of community.

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Assignment 5 - Final Website Portfolio

Follow this link to view my final website portfolio: