Sunday, November 5, 2017

Assignment 3 Feedback from Critique

Most people thought my audio sounded like someone sitting in a room trying to make music or make some kind of project, which was my intention. The theme of boredom and being "stuck in the house" came up too.

A unique narrative idea was that all the strange sounds were an elaborate way to start a car, since the car starting noise comes in later on.

Something that I'm going to add in is some kind of sound to signal "scrapping" an idea. One suggestion was a rewind noise, but I'm thinking of recording the sound of crumpling up a paper and throwing it behind me. Then each new sound will be a new "idea" for what I'm working on.

A good visual that was suggested was continually working on a sculpture. I add something, decide I don't like it, and throw it out, etc.

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Assignment 5 - Final Website Portfolio

Follow this link to view my final website portfolio: