Wednesday, October 4, 2017

"A Brief History of Type" - Response (Assignment 2)

Honestly, my first thought after reading this article was something along the lines of, "But it's just words..." I imagine that I'm not alone in being a little bit baffled at the idea that there is such a history regarding the artwork behind type faces. It's interesting to get a little bit of information about how we have so many different type faces that we use everyday, but at the same time, history usually is somewhat boring to me. I would be lying if I did not admit that I found the reading a little bit dull. That being said, I think that it is helpful to look at the history and logic behind what goes into different fonts, because this can help us understand when appropriate times to use them would be. Therefore, while this was not the most enjoyable thing for me to read, I can appreciate where the author is coming from in writing about the history of typography.

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Assignment 5 - Final Website Portfolio

Follow this link to view my final website portfolio: