Monday, September 11, 2017

5 Edited Images (Assignment 1)

Most of these pictures actually came from Labor Day Weekend, as I was camping with my girlfriend and I got the opportunity to get some really nice shots of nature and animals. I actually took the first four images with her phone, as mine had died during the walk we were taking. That being said, her phone is a HTC One A9 Android, and produces pictures at 1,080 px X 1,919 px, or roughly 2 megapixels. The last image (stop sign) was one that I took during the class photography exercise. My phone is a Samsung Galaxy J7 Perx Android, and produces pictures at 2,448 px X 3,264 px, just a tiny bit under 8 megapixels. So far, here are my 5 favorite photographs after editing:

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Assignment 5 - Final Website Portfolio

Follow this link to view my final website portfolio: